Current Projects 2024:

  • SDG 4, 5, 10 and 17: Joint Master and PhD Degrees (with UNU-MERIT, The Netherlands)
  • SDG 7, 8, 12 and 17: Agrivoltaic in Indonesia (with Fraunhofer, Germany)
  • SDG 4, 5, 10 and 17:  Teacher Professional Development in Indonesia (with UNU-MERIT, The Netherlands and UNESCO, Bangkok)
  • SDG 4, 5, 10 and 17: Agrivoltaics Study and Policy Recommendations (with Murdoch University, Australia and Fraunhofer, Germany)

Previous Projects:

2023: Technology and Children (UNESCO-UNICEF) 

UNESCO-UNICEF project – (May-November 2023).  Principal Investigator M. Fauzan Ansyari (United Nations University-Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology/UNU-MERIT, The Netherlands).

2022: Digital Skill Development Project (International Telecommunications Union/ITU) 

ITU Digital Skill Development project – in preparation of the G20 meeting in Indonesia (January-September 2022). Publication of working paper “Digital Skills”. UNU-MERIT Principal Investigator Mindel van de Laar. With Antonio Cordella (London School of Economics/LSE Principal Investigator), Francesco Gualdi (LSE), Serdar Türkeli (UNU-MERIT) and M. Fauzan Ansyari (UNU-MERIT). Resulting in working paper “Compendium of frameworks on best practices and regulations on advanced digital skills and digital literacy: Priority issue 2 – Digital Skills and Digital Literacy” (KOMINFO, Indonesia), commissioned by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) for Indonesia’s G20 Presidency.

2022: Instruction and Curriculum Design (US Department of State & Georgetown University)

US Department of State & Georgetown University / Regional English Language Office at the US Embassy in Brasília, Brazil – Virtual English Language Fellow Program Instructional and Curriculum Designer, Designer Fabio Coelho, Project from 02/2022 – 11/2022

2018-2019: English Language Assessment (British Council)

English Language Assessment Consultant, Fabio Coelho, September 2018 – December 2019, British Council, Shanghai, China

2017: Upskilling Prospective Indonesian National Electricity Company (PLN) Workers for Transmission (PLN)

Recruitment and training of prospective PLN workers for transmission, program evaluation coordinator M. Fauzan Ansyari, Pekanbaru, Medan and Semarang 2017

2015: English Language (US Department of State & Georgetown University)

English Language Specialist Program, Specialist Fabio Coelho, US Department of State & Georgetown University / English Language Teachers’ Association (ELTA) in Bissau, Guinea-Bissau, West Africa , July – August 2015